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 1. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks: Lakeview Terrace  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 2. Ian Loring  What Just Happened To The Children Being Transported To Lakeview Terrace?  Cinerama 
 3. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks: 300  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 4. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks: Juno  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 5. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks New on DVD: Children of Men  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 6. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks: There Will Be Blood  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 7. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks: Stepbrothers  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 8. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks New on DVD: Lucky You  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 9. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks: The Invisible  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 10. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks: Sex And The City  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 11. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks: Bella  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 12. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks: Fracture  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 13. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks: The Orphanage  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 14. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks: Ratatouille  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 15. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks: Zodiac  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 16. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks: NANIP  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 17. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks: Waitress  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 18. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks: Hancock  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 19. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks New on DVD: Breach  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 20. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks New on DVD: Venus  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 21. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks: Sicko  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 22. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks New on DVD: Shooter  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 23. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks: Traitor  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 24. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks: Transformers  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 25. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks New on DVD: Inland Empire  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 26. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks: The Nanny Diaries  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 27. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks: Miss Potter  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 28. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks: Frozen River  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 29. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks: Wild Hogs  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
 30. Cotton Hill Studios and October Eve Music Group  Rick's Picks: Snow Angels  Rick's Picks: the movie review podcast 
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